Friday 28 November 2008

Long gone - more complaints about RMIT

Been busy with uni's project and such =(

Just want to rant about RMIT (again).

We had an exhibition night 2 days ago (collaborations of our course + multimedia) have no freaking idea why they have 2 different name of the course; we basically did the same thing what they did: animations, interactive and other stuff, I was kinda pissed how they only provided ONE computer for students that did interactive piece.
Guess how many people did Interactive piece?

8. EIGHT!!

I thought they'd use all the 3 computers to show our (Interactive people) work but NO, the 2 other computers were provided for the animations slash video people.

Fair enough?


They had 2 huge projector screens on the wall and they showed the animation/ video pieces up there.

So.. why did they need to put it on the computer(s) as well?

Freaking pointless.

Yes yes there were only 8 people that did Interactive piece, but the course was meant to be "Animation AND Interactive media" wasn't it?
If they didn't want people to do interactive THAT much then they shoulda called the course Animation and other crap Media.

Gah I'm so pissed.

I guess I can only say it's prolly good cos they had it on ACMI.